
small plate Learn more about small plate

  • Two production techniques of dried Lycium barbarum

    Two production techniques of dried Lycium barbarum

    Two production techniques of dried Lycium barbarum

  • Production technology of dried Lycium barbarum

    Production technology of dried Lycium barbarum

    1. Drying method 1. Mix the newly picked Chinese wolfberry with alkali water and spread it evenly on the Chinese wolfberry plate ("Chinese wolfberry plate": a special tool for drying or baking Chinese wolfberry. Generally, the wooden frame of 90 centimeters and 60 centimeters wide is nailed with wooden strips. The window screen is nailed under the wooden frame, and a crossbar is nailed under the window screen. The Chinese wolfberry is spread out on the window screen. Note that some use cardboard or bamboo mats, but they are not as good as the ventilation and ventilation of the window screen. Hang it in a shady and ventilated place (suitable for one day). Etc.

  • A brief introduction to the propagation method and price of star anise

    A brief introduction to the propagation method and price of star anise

    Octagonal gold plate is very good-looking, but also one of the rich trees, many people are very fond of raising, octagonal gold plate breeding method is what kind of it? What kind of plant is octagonal golden plate? What's the price? The propagation method of star anise golden disk: usually dividing plants and sowing propagation

  • Star anise gold plate how to raise, star anise gold plate culture methods and matters needing attention / moderate environment

    Star anise gold plate how to raise, star anise gold plate culture methods and matters needing attention / moderate environment

    As the efficacy and function of star anise gold plate is very many, so more and more people raise it, but if you want to make its leaves large and green all the year round, you still need to master the correct method, so how to raise star anise gold plate? The editor introduces the culture methods and matters needing attention of star anise gold plate.

  • How to reproduce star anise gold plate? the propagation method / ramet of star anise golden plate is the simplest.

    How to reproduce star anise gold plate? the propagation method / ramet of star anise golden plate is the simplest.

    Star anise is a kind of plant that is easy to feed, but before planting, we should also know how it propagates, so how does star anise reproduce scientifically? Today, let's take a detailed look at the breeding methods of three kinds of star anise gold plates.

  • Culture methods and matters needing attention of the latest star anise gold plate

    Culture methods and matters needing attention of the latest star anise gold plate

    Star anise gold plate, also known as octagonal gold plate, octagonal gold plate, Jingangzu, etc., is an evergreen shrub or small tree of the family Araliaceae. It is often planted on the edge of a rockery or next to a big tree in the garden because of its palmelike leaves and about 8 lobed leaves, which seem to have 8 horns.

    2020-11-10 The latest star anise gold plate culture methods and matters needing attention
  • Potted methods of star anise gold plate and matters needing attention in culture (picture)

    Potted methods of star anise gold plate and matters needing attention in culture (picture)

    Star anise gold plate, also known as octagonal gold plate, octagonal gold plate, Jingangzu, etc., is an evergreen shrub or small tree of the family Araliaceae. It is famous for its palmlike leaves, about 8 lobed leaves, which seem to have 8 horns. It is often planted on the edge of rockery or beside big trees in gardens, and can also be used as foliage plants for indoor, hall and hall furnishings.

  • What are the environmental requirements of the star anise gold plate?

    What are the environmental requirements of the star anise gold plate?

    Star anise gold plate, known as eight gold plate, eight hands, hand tree, originated in Taiwan and Japan. Like warm, afraid of extreme heat, more resistant to moisture, afraid of drought, extremely resistant to shade, afraid of strong light exposure, strong resistance to harmful gases, suitable for growing in shady environment and humid, loose and fertile soil, winter temperature should not be lower than minus 5 degrees

  • Is the star anise gold plate poisonous? can you put the star anise gold plate in the room?

    Is the star anise gold plate poisonous? can you put the star anise gold plate in the room?

    As the leaves of star anise gold plate are very unique and beautiful, more and more people grow it, but some flower lovers are worried about several questions, that is, is star anise gold plate poisonous? Will you put the star anise gold plate in the room? That's all for the editor today.

  • Features of Octagonal Gold Plate

    Features of Octagonal Gold Plate

    It is named for its palm-shaped leaves, which appear to have eight horns and sometimes have golden edges. It blooms from October to November. Although the flowers are not gorgeous, they are very elegant.

  • The characteristics and symbols of star anise gold plate

    The characteristics and symbols of star anise gold plate

    Star anise gold plate gets its name because it has eight lobed leaves on its palm-shaped leaves, appears to have eight angles, and sometimes the edges are golden yellow. It blossoms from October to November, though it is not gorgeous, it is very elegant.

  • Technical points of planting and maintenance of star anise gold plate

    Technical points of planting and maintenance of star anise gold plate

    Illicium verum belongs to the genus Illicium of Araliaceae, which is native to Taiwan, Japan and other places in China. It has strong negative tolerance and gets its name because of its leaves. Star anise gold plate is strong in nature, has few diseases and insect pests, and can absorb sulfur in the air. It is not strict with the soil and can grow in the basin soil with good drainage and good air permeability.

  • Hatching technology of Chinese partridge

    Hatching technology of Chinese partridge

    Hatching technology of Chinese partridge

  • The medicinal value and processing method of tortoise plate

    The medicinal value and processing method of tortoise plate

    The main results are as follows: 1. The medicinal value of tortoise plank is slightly cold, salty and fishy. Contains colloid, calcium salt, fat and keratin. It has the effects of tonifying heart and kidney, nourishing yin and reducing fire, latent obstruction and relieving deficiency heat. It is often made into tortoise plate glue, which is used for nourishing yin and invigorating yang, tonifying kidney and bone, tonifying blood and stopping bleeding, bone steaming hot flashes, weak muscles and bones, dizziness and tinnitus, insomnia and amnesia, menorrhagia, spermatorrhea, night sweats and other diseases. It has curative effect on lung disease, gastric bleeding, hypertension, liver cirrhosis, nameless swelling toxin and yin deficiency in women. 2. Tortoise plank glue

  • Architectural layout of Rabbit Farm

    Architectural layout of Rabbit Farm

    Architectural layout of Rabbit Farm

  • How to raise star anise gold plate breeding methods and precautions

    How to raise star anise gold plate breeding methods and precautions

    Star anise is a subtropical tree species, it is evergreen, green leaves, has a high ornamental value, is a good choice for indoor potted plants. However, many people do not know enough about its growth habits, so they often have a variety of improper daily maintenance.

    2020-11-08 star anise golden plate how to raise breed method and matters needing attention
  • Where can I sell star anise gold plate seeds? What are the methods of raising seedlings?

    Where can I sell star anise gold plate seeds? What are the methods of raising seedlings?

    Star anise gold plate is a kind of evergreen tree species, its leaves show palm-shaped a total of eight horns, so it has its name. Star anise is native to the gardens of southern Japan, North China, East China and Kunming, Yunnan. It has high medicinal value and has certain medicinal value.

    2020-11-27 Star anise gold plate seeds where have sell raise seedlings methods which
  • Matters needing attention in the culture of star anise gold plate

    Matters needing attention in the culture of star anise gold plate

    Under the temperature condition, the star anise gold plate likes the cold growth environment, and the suitable temperature is between 10 ℃ and 25 ℃, which is usually 18 ℃ in the daytime and 12 ℃ in the night. It is important to note that the persistent high temperature can easily make the leaves thinner and bigger and begin to droop.

  • Culture methods and matters needing attention of star anise gold plate

    Culture methods and matters needing attention of star anise gold plate

    Culture methods and matters needing attention of star anise gold plate

  • Yellow plate crucian carp

    Yellow plate crucian carp

    Yellow plate crucian carp, the scientific name triangle carp, is a wild famous and excellent economic fish in rivers. Tender meat and delicious taste, the price of yellow plate crucian carp weighing more than 400 grams is as high as 80m / kg, which has a very high economic value. In recent years, due to the deterioration of river ecological environment and excessive fishing, the wild resources of yellow plate crucian carp are becoming more and more depleted. In order to develop and protect this precious natural resource, Shaoguan Fisheries Research Institute has carried out artificial culture and reproduction experiments of yellow plate crucian carp since 2001 and achieved success. I. Pond
